Oxidize 2019 was our way to put professional embedded development in Rust on the table as a serious topic. It was a great success, selling out the full conference!
Over the last months, people have asked us if there’s going to be an Oxidize 2020. We’re happy to confirm that Oxidize 2020 will happen again in July 2020, in Berlin. This sets it between RustFest and RustConf, giving you ample time to unwind between them.
Oxidize 2020 will follow a similar structure as 2019: a day of professional workshops, a day of talks both illustrating news about Rust in embedded contexts and professional use, and 2 days of a hackfest, aiming to improve the Rust embedded ecosystem.
As last year, there are early supporter tickets available immediately, at the same trade: they help us to gauge interest and find a good venue. We tried that as an experiment last year and found it to be a surprisingly successful model! These early/supporter tickets can be refunded no-questions-asked up until two weeks after we have announced the final conference date so you are not risking anything, should the announced dates not work with your schedule, after all.
The CFP will open the moment we have a date, so feel free to prepare your talks!
While you are waiting, we can highly recommend last year’s videos!