Rust Experts
$ ferrous --explain
Are you using Rust at work and looking for someone to answer your burning, individual Rust questions? Or do you wish someone would provide support on your journey towards becoming a Rust expert yourself?
A Rust-Experts seat grants you chat-based access to our team comprised of individuals with years of Rust experience in different areas such as embedded Rust, the Rust compiler, or rust-analyzer.
Support is available in English and German.
Our Rust experts and trainers are happy to help! This service is available after your first training purchase for a fixed monthly price.
Rust-Experts support you in all things Rust:
- Answer your questions, both concrete and vague
- Help you re-calibrate your mental models towards idiomatic Rust
- Evaluate libraries with you
- Share general tips and tricks
- Optimize compile times
- Find tiny fixes and bugs in tooling
- Small scale code review
- Small scale performance tuning
- Literature research
- Help choosing and evaluating embedded hardware
Our experts

Florian Gilcher
- Rustacean since 2013
- Part of the Rust project since 2015
- Rust trainer since 2015
- Network and distributed systems engineer

Jonathan Pallant
- Applying Rust to Bare Metal systems since 2016
- Founding member of the Rust Embedded Working Group
- Loves using Rust on resource constrained systems, big and small!

Jorge Aparicio
- Contributor to the Rust project since 2014
- Founder of the Rust Embedded Working Group
- Author of several widely used embedded Rust libraries
- Loves writing software for resource constrained devices and static analysis tools

Pietro Albini
- Rustacean since 2016
- Lead of the Rust project's infrastructure
- Served on the Rust Core Team for two years
- Handles security vulnerability reports for both Rust and LLVM
- Loves automated testing and solid tooling