Are you ready to explore the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) with embedded Rust? We've got news for you! We have been collaborating with Espressif on training material for new embedded workshops. You can join our workshops in September!
Board Features
The ESP Rust board -to be released soon- bears the official esp-rs
Rusty logo. Join the community on the Matrix!
The ESP Rust board is built around the ESP32-C3, based on the RISC-V architecture, with Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth 5 (LE).
This ESP Rust board includes the ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module, a 6DoF IMU (6 degrees-of-freedom inertial measurement unit, a multisensor device to estimate orientation), temperature and humidity sensors, a Lithium Ion battery charger, and Type-C USB. The board can be plugged into a breadboard and used immediately.
Pin layout and diagram
The Workshops
OBS: Change in dates!
September, 15, 2022
This workshop is targeted at people who are interested in exploring the IoT capabilities of the esp-rs board, people who are new to embedded programming and embedded Rust in particular. It is all about setting up a project and letting the board interact with the outside world. We'll focus on higher level abstractions for the HTTP and MQTT interfaces and take advantage of being able to use Rust’s standard library on an embedded device.
Learn how to:
- Set up a project with cargo generate
- write an HTTP client
- write an HTTP server
- write an MQTT client that publishes sensor data and receives commands via a subscribed topic
Embedded Rust on Espressif for Advanced
September, 19, 2022
This workshop is targeted at people with basic knowledge in embedded programming who are interested in exploring lower level peripheral access, reading and writing into registers, learning about interrupt handling in embedded Rust while taking an excursion into [no_std]
Rust and driver writing.
Learn how to:
- read out one sensor via I2C
- read out two sensors via the same I2C bus
- write a driver for a I2C peripheral
- handle a button interrupt
The Material
Please check the training material that we prepared for the workshops. All the content is open-source, so feel free to check it out even if you don’t have a ticket for the workshop!
This material is presented in the format of an online workbook that focuses on teaching skills by solving programming exercises. The resulting programs can be used as starting points for personal projects after the course.
Each section is suitable to cater the needs of different levels of experience. The exercises provide solving help in form of hints and step-by-step guides to the solution, as well as example solutions. Troubleshooting pages help solving problems that occur during set up.
How to enroll
Please subscribe to our newsletter to find out about the start of the ticket sale, and the date of release of the new ESP Rust board!
Embedded World 2022
You are most welcome to meet to meet Espressif and some members of the Ferrous Team at Embedded World in Nuremberg on June, 21-23.